The Real “Golden Sands” ~ Coronado

by Tsvete Popp
Coronado, San Diego

After the walk in the downtown of San Diego, we are going to visit the resort city and peninsula Coronado. The city is known by its nickname “The Crown City”, and the name “Coronado” comes from Spanish and means “the crowned.” The resort city is known for its wide beaches with “golden” sand and Coronado Hotel, which was built in 1888 and is a symbol of the city till nowadays.

The Coronado Hotel  is one of the few hotels that are considered as the world’s top resorts and it can be absolutely proud of its numerous prominent guests like Franklin Roosevelt, Mohammed Ali, Richard Nixon, etc. (George HW Bush, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Gerald Ford, Lyndon B . Johnson, Ronald Reagan, William Howard Taft, Jack Dempsey, Thomas Edison, Magic Johnson, Charles Lindbergh, Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, etc.). Another interesting fact about this historic building is that “The Dell” was meant to be an inspiration for the “Emerald City” in the movie “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”. However, the only thing left from this inspiration is one of the largest surf-skate shops on the peninsula, named after the “Emerald City”.

The city of Coronado is a magical place and I think it is difficult to find someone who does not feel good while walking through the streets or enjoying life on the golden beach. The surf culture, similar to San Diego, is very widespread and perhaps the main tourists are namely the surfers. Coronado scored on my account history with the most expensive ice cream (“bio” ice cream in a cone) I’ve ever eaten in my life, with the modest price of $ 11 for one (therefore first asking, then buying!). But there is any doubt – it was absolutely delicious (and of course not worth the money).

But what will stay forever in my mind, hearing the word Coronado, is definitely the “true” golden sand!!! I’ve already seen many different kinds of sand, even a pink one … but never something like this (I hope you can see the gold in the pictures). Actually, I couldn’t stop staring at my feet for the whole time we were at the beach 😀

After our walk, we headed back to San Diego! The next time we will visit the old town, which is famous for its numerous Mexican shops and restaurants!


Coronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San Diego
Hotel Coronado
Coronado, San Diego
Hotel Coronado
Coronado, San Diego
Hotel Coronado
Coronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San DiegoCoronado, San Diego
The Resal "Golden Sands"
Coronado, San Diego
The Real "Golden Sands"
Coronado, San DiegoCoronado, San Diego
Hotel Coronado, Coronado
Coronado, San DiegoCoronado, San Diego
Hotel Coronado

Enjoy the day!
